
Olympus AF-1 #9424



品牌:olympus 型號:AF-1 快門正常✅ 閃燈正常✅ 自拍計時正常✅ 自動上片回片正常✅ 所有功能全正常 ⚠️相機沒有鏡頭防水濾鏡 🌟此款相機不包電池需自行購買🌟 🔧本店已經作基本功能測試 📍二手相機售出後均只提供一個月退貨保障 35mm format Aperture: f/2.8, four elements in four groups 'Focus lock' button for autofocus Auto-exposure with a shutter speed range of 1/30-1/750 seconds. Built-in auto-flash (1-1.5s recycling time) Automatic loading and rewinding Automatic advancing Self-timer Requires 1pcs of CR-P2 Lithium battery 225g in weight (without battery)

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